- Qualifying customers must go to their local store or contact their city government to start the process, depending on the area
- There are no Military Discounts available at this time
- Below is a list of the available discounts per State
- Additionally, we have an low cost internet plan called Simply Internet
San Francisco area
- $2.00 off per service, up to 6.00 for Triple Play
- Must be 65+
- Show ID at local office
Sacramento, CA area
- There are currently no discounts available in the Sacramento area
There are currently no discounts available in Oregon
Washington State
- Bremerton
- 30 % off Local Broadcast
- Must not be receiving any other discounts
- Must be considered low income by the city
- Discount off Local Broadcast
- Must apply through the City of Seattle, which determines eligibility
- 30% off Local Broadcast for low income seniors and people with disabilities
- Must apply through the City of Stanwood, which forwards the application to Wave
Port Orchard
- 30% off Local Broadcast
- Customer must have Medicaid or DSHS card
- Must bring to local office every 6 months to continue discount
Port Angeles
- $2.00 discount for Local Broadcast
- Must go to Local office with proof of low income or disability