Landline Static Causes
- There is noise on the landline when I pick up the phone
- Call quality is affected by static/crackling, radio interference, humming, noise, echo, cross talk, etc.
- Issues may be caused by a faulty phone, phone equipment, low batteries, loose connections, wiring, jacks, outside wiring, etc.
- Cordless phones pick up noise from FM radio, CBs and ham radios, scanners, baby monitors and other cordless phones
Troubleshooting Steps
- Ensure all telephone jacks and wires are securely connected
- If only one phone has static or noise, the phone may be faulty or may need new batteries
- Try a spare phone in working condition in the jack and check/replace batteries if necessary
- If the issue is on more than one phone, or if the problem still persists, try the following steps:
- Remove phones and equipment from their jacks and reconnect them one by one to determine if one is faulty
- If you hear humming or other people talking, make sure all phones (cordless and corded) are hung up and line is not open
- If you hear static or noise only during rain, snow, inclement weather, a service call may be necessary
- If the issue persists, please contact us for further assistance