Icon: |
Show locked by channel, rating, content advisory level, or time period when Parental Control is currently enabled |
Show locked by channel, rating, content advisory level, or time period when Parental Control is currently disabled |
Favorite channel
Auto Favorite channel |
Skipped channel |
Show that features stereo sound |
Show that features closed caption information (subtitles for hearing-impaired viewers) |
Show that features alternate audio track, typically in a different language. |
Show that has been purchased by customer |
Recording in progress |
Show is currently playing |
Show is scheduled to be recorded |
Series is scheduled to be recorded |
Recurring manual recording |
Single instance manual recording |
Show will be erased first (in less than one day) |
Show will be erased after the first programs are erased (in about one to three days). |
Show will be erased last (in about three to seven days; this icon is displayed only in the program description area of the Recorded Shows screen). |
Show to be saved until you manually erase it |
DVR cannot recorded show due to conflicts with other recording requests. |
Show is in High Definition (HD) format. |
Displayed in the Guide if you selected Remind me about this show in the timer dialog. |
Folder icon. Contains individual instances of a series, or individual shows that match a keyword. |
Shows that are associated with keyword searches in the Recorded Shows, Scheduled Recordings, and Series Manager screens. |
Displayed in the Channel Banner to indicate that our company has sent you a message. |
'Cropping' icons indicate that a program has been manually or automatically cropped. |
'Sorted check mark' icon indicates that the program listings have been sorted to display only channels included in list sort options Custom 1, Custom 2, or Custom 3. |
Appears next to newly-released titles in the scrolling title list, and in the upper-left program information area (yellow background) if the currently-selected show is a new release or episode. |
Ratings icon indicates the content rating for television and movies. |