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Astound Broadband

Synergy V (RT-U60C)


Programming Your Cable Converter


Your remote control is pre-programmed to operate the Scientific Atlanta and Motorola Digital / DVR set-top terminals. Therefore, no further programming of your Cable device is necessary.


Three-Digit Code Programming Method

  1. Turn on the equipment you wish to program. (TV, VCR, or AUX)
  2. Press [SEL], then [MUTE] together - hold both buttons down until the mode (power) buttons start blinking in sequence:


  3. From the TV Setup Code list below, locate and enter the 3-digit code for your brand. If multiple codes are listed, you may have to enter several 3-digit codes until your TV turns off

    TV   -- >

    VCR  -- >

    DVD (VCR key)  -- >

    For TV/VCR combos, program the TV code first, then the VCR code

    For TV/DVD combos, program the TV code first, then the DVD code

    CD Player (AUDIO key)  -- >

    Receiver/Amplifier (AUDIO  key)  -- >

    If you cannot find your code, you can use Point and Press ® Programming


  4. Press [MUTE]. If your TV turns back on, press [SEL] to lock in the code. The mode (power) buttons will blink 3 times and go out.
    If your TV does not turn back on, repeat steps 3 and 4 until you can turn your TV off and on

Please Note: 

  • Try all the functions on the remote control. If any of the functions do not work as they should, repeat from Step 2 using the next three-digit code number from the same brand list

Point and Press Programming

RTU60C.jpg This method allows you to program the remote control without using codes


Please note:

  • The order in which you program your devices IS NOT important
  • While the remote is searching for the correct setup code, other devices that you are NOT currently programming may turn on/off. This is nothing to be concerned about. Simply continue pressing [CH +] until you find the correct code for the device you are programming. Your other devices will not be affected
  1. Turn on your Device
  2. Press [SEL], then [MUTE] together - hold both buttons down until the lighted mode (power) buttons start blinking in sequence:

  3. Press and hold the [CH+] button until the TV turns off

    Every time the mode (power) buttons light in a sequence (see animation below), the remote is trying a different code. It may take seconds or several minutes for the remote to find the proper code for your device. Please be patient, and be ready to release the [CH +] button when the device turns off:

  4. As soon as the device turns off, release [CH +]
  5. If your TV does not run back on, try pressing [CH -] one step at a time until that device turns back on. Each time you press the [CH -] button, the power/mode buttons will start blinking in reverse sequence:

  6. Once you have found the proper code, press [SEL] to lock in the code

Code Number Readback


To identify the 3-digit setup code for your TV, follow these steps:

  1. Press [TV], then [SEL] - hold both down until the [TV] button lights up under finger
  2. Press [INFO]. The illuminated button will “blink back” the code number, with a 1-second interval between each digit of the code

    Example: For code “105”, the remote will blink 1 time, then 10 times, then 5 times

To identify the 3-digit setup code for your VIDEO device, follow these steps:

  1. Press [VIDEO], then [SEL] - hold both down until the [VCR] button lights up under finger
  2. Press [INFO]. The illuminated button will “blink back” the code number, with a 1-second interval between each digit of the code

    Example: For code “105”, the remote will blink 1 time, then 10 times, then 5 times

To identify the 3-digit setup code for your AUDIO  Device, follow these steps:

  1. Press [AUDIO], then [SEL] - hold both down until the [AUDIO] button lights up under finger
  2. Press [INFO]. The illuminated button will “blink back” the code number, with a 1-second interval between each digit of the code

    Example: For code “105”, the remote will blink 1 time, then 10 times, then 5 times


RTU60C.jpg Programming and using the[ALL POWER] SmartKey®

The [CBL] button normally turns on / off your CABLE converter. But you can make it do more than that!

You must first program ALL devices on your Synergy V for the [ALL POWER] SmartKey™ to work correctly


  1. Press [POWER], then [MENU] together – hold both down together until the [CBL] button illuminates
  2. Press the option Number below for the desired functions:
    If you select... When you press the [CBL] button in CABLE mode, here is what will happen...
    1 The converter & TV* will turn on, and the TV will turn to channel 3
    2 The converter & TV*will turn on, and the TV will turn to channel 2
    3 The converter & TV* will turn on, and the TV will turn to channel 4
    4 The converter, TV, and VCR*  will turn on, and the TV will turn to channel 3
    5 The converter, TV, and VCR*  will turn on, and the TV will turn to channel 2
    6 The converter, TV, and VCR*  will turn on, and the TV will turn to channel 4
    7 The converter, TV, VCR, & AUDIO*  will turn on, and the TV will turn to channel 3
    8 The converter, TV, VCR, & AUDIO*  will turn on, and the TV will turn to channel 2
    9 The converter, TV, VCR, & AUDIO*  will turn on, and the TV will turn to channel 4
    0 The converter (only) will  turn on. This is the default setting

  3. The [CBL] button will blink and go out, storing the selected option.


Using the[ALL POWER] SmartKey®

  • When using the [ALL POWER] SmartKey®, be sure to keep your remote aimed at the devices to ensure all functions are received in their entirety
  • Whenever the [ALL POWER] SmartKey® is pressed the mode of the remote control will automatically switch back to CABLE

Programming Volume Control

RTU60C.jpg After you program your remote:
When your Remote is in this mode... Your volume/mute is controlled through ...
CBL Your TV (default)
TV Your TV (default)
AUDIO Your Audio Device (default)
VIDEO Your TV (default)

To control volume / mute through your Converter in the remote's [CBL] mode:

  1. Press [SEL], then [CBL] together - hold both down until the [CBL] button lights up (under finger)
  2. Press [VOL+], then [CBL]. The [CBL]button will blink and go out


To control volume / mute back through your TV in the remote's CABLE mode:

  1. Press [SEL], then [CBL]  together - hold both down until the [CBL] button lights up (under finger)
  2. Press [VOL+], then [TV]. The [CBL] button will blink and go out

Mode Lock

RTU60C.jpg Your Synergy V remote comes locked in it's CABLE operating mode. While it is in [CBL] mode, it can control all set-top operations, as well as power in the TV, VIDEO, and AUDIO devices

To operate more functions on your TV, VIDEO, and AUDIO devices, you can unlock the remote as follows:

  1. Press [MUTE], then [CBL]  together. Hold BOTH buttons down until the [CBL] button lights up (under finger)
  2. Press [9,9,9]. The [CBL] button will blink and go out

To lock your remote back in it's CABLE operating mode:

  1. Press [MUTE], then [CBL] together. Hold BOTH buttons down until the [CBL] button lights up (under finger)
  2. Press [0,0,0]. The [CBL] button will blink and go out

INPUT Button


This button changes the input source of your electronic device

  • In the remote's [CBL] mode (default), This operates a converter function
  • In the remote's TV mode, the button changes the input source of the TV (Input 1, Input 2, Aux, Game, Video 1, Video 2, etc)
  • In the remote's VCR mode, it changes the TV/VCR input on your VCR


You can program this button so that in the remote's CABLE mode, the [INPUT] button will operate the input function of your TV or VCR


  • To program [INPUT] to operate the TV input in your remote's [CBL] mode, follow these steps:

    1. Press [INPUT], then [SEL] together until the [CBL] button lights up

    2. Press [TV]. The [CBL] button will blink 3 times and go out


  • To program [INPUT] to operate the VCR  input in your remote's [CBL] mode,  follow these steps:

    1. Press [INPUT], then [SEL] together until the [CBL] button lights up

    2. Press [VIDEO]. The [CBL] button will blink 3 times and go out


  • To program [INPUT] to return to defaults:

    1. Press [INPUT], then [SEL] together until the [CBL] button lights up

    2. Press [CBL]. The [CBL] button will blink 3 times and go out


General Reset


The remote can be reset to its factory default settings if needed


  1. Press [OK], then [CBL] together until the [CBL] button lights up (under your finger)
  2. Press [1]
  3. The [CBL] button will blink 3 times and go out. All codes will now be cleared. Start programming your remote over again, as needed
    • If the [CBL] button DID NOT blink 3 times and go out, follow the alternate procedure below.
      1. Press [OK], then [CBL] together until the [CBL] button lights up (under your finger)

      2. Press [0]
      3. The [CBL] button will blink 3 times and go out. All codes will now be cleared. Start programming your remote over again, as needed