Each mode key is associated with different groups of devices. You can use each mode key to control one of its associated devices:
CBL ... cable boxes, HDTV tuners, and satellite devices
TV ... TVs and HDTVs
VCR ... VCRs, digital video recorders (DVRs), DVD players, and CD players
DVD ... DVD players, CD players, VCRs, and DVRs
AUX ... receivers, tuners, and Home Theatre
Programming Devices to the Remote
Turn on the device
Press and hold SELECT and the appropriate mode key (CBL, TV, VCR, DVD, AUX) until all of the mode keys blink twice.
Enter in the code for the device:
CBL Group --- Cable Box
TV Group --- TV
TV Group --- HDTV
VCR Group --- VCR
DVR Group --- DVR
DVD Group --- DVD player
CD Group --- CD player
AUX Group --- Receiver/Tuner
AUX Group --- Home Theatre
The mode keys should then blink twice if the code was accepted
Point the remote at the device, and press POWER, PLAY, CH? or CH? to test the device. If the device responds, you are done.
If the device does not respond, repeat steps 2-4 for other codes (if applicable)
Still not successful? Try Searching for the Code (below)
Searching for the code
Turn on the device
Press and hold SELECT and the appropriate mode key (CBL, TV, VCR, DVD, or AUX) until the mode keys blink twice
Press 9, 9, 1. The mode key you selected in step 2 blinks twice
Point the remote toward the device, and press PLAY . The remote automatically tests each code in its library, beginning with the most common codes. The mode key blinks once each time the remote transmits a new code*. The mode key blinks twice when it reaches the last code
*Depending the the mode key, the remote will check through a certain amount of codes:
CBL mode: 23
TV mode: 225
DVD mode: 206
VCR mode: 210
AUX mode: 38
As soon as the device powers off, press SELECT
Verify the new code is correct by pressing POWER
If the device powers on again, press SELECT to assign the code. If not complete the following steps:
Turn the device on
Press CH▲ or CH▼ to step forward or back to the correct code
When the device turns off, press SELECT to assign the code
Find Your Code
Find out which code programmed the mode key to control your device
Press and hold SELECT and the appropriate mode key (CBL, TV, VCR, DVD, or AUX) until all mode keys blink twice
Press 9, 9, 0. The mode key you selected in step 1 blinks twice
Press 1 and then count the number of times the mode key blinks. The number of blinks indicates the first digit in the code
For example, 4 blinks indicates the first digit in the code is 4. If the mode key does not blink, the digit is 0.
Press 2 and then count the number of times the mode key blinks. This number indicates the second number in the code
Press 3 and then count the number of times the mode key blinks. This number indicates the third number in the code
Press 4 and then count the number of times the mode key blinks. This number indicates the fourth number in the code
After all four numbers in the code are identified, all mode keys blink three times
Controlling POWER key for Multiple Devices at Once
The Remote's POWER key can turn on/off multiple devices at once, rather than needing to change.
Press and hold the SELECT and CBL keys until the mode keys blink twice
Using the remote keypad, press 9, 9, 8. The CBL key blinks twice
Press the mode key (CBL, TV, VCR, DVD, or AUX) for the first device in the group of devices you want to power on and off at once. The CBL key blinks twice
Press the mode key for the second device in the group of devices you want to power on and off at once. The CBL key blinks twice
Repeat step for additional devices
When done, press SELECT to save your power settings. All mode keys blink three times
To change the POWER key back to it's default
Press and hold SELECT and CBL until all mode keys blink twice
Press 9, 9, 8. The CBL key blinks twice
Press SELECT to save your power settings. All mode keys blink three times
The POWER key will only control the device/mode the remote is in
Channel Control Lock
You can lock the remote control to change channels only through the cable box, whether in CBL, VCR, DVD, or TV mode.
Press and hold SELECT and CBL until all mode keys blink twice.
Press 9, 9, 7. The CBL key blinks twice.
Press the CBL. All mode keys blink three times.
NOTE: In AUX mode, the remote always controls channels for the AUX device
Controlling Channels on Different Devices
Press and hold SELECT and CBL until all mode keys blink twice.
Press 9, 9, 7. The CBL key blinks twice.
Press SELECT. All mode keys blink three times
The channel keys will work with the mode key you select
Volume Control
You can lock the remote control to control volume and mute through one specific device, whether in CBL, VCR, DVD, or TV mode
To Control volume and mute through the TV only:
Press and hold the SELECT and CBL keys until the mode keys blink twice
Press 9, 9, 3. The CBL key blinks twice
Press TV. All mode keys blink three times
NOTE: In AUX mode, the remote always controls volume and mute for the AUX device
To Control volume and mute through the Cable Box only:
Press and hold the SELECT and CBL keys until the mode keys blink twice
Press 9, 9, 3. The CBL key blinks twice
Press CBL. All mode keys blink three times
NOTE: In AUX mode, the remote always controls volume and mute for the AUX device
To Control volume and mute through whatever mode the remote is in:
Press and hold the SELECT and CBL keys until the mode keys blink twice