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Astound Broadband

TiVo Recording Sports Playoff Series


TiVos on Experience 3

4 Tuners, 2 Tuners, Single Tuners, and Minis
  1. Go to TiVo Central | Find TV, Movies & VOD| WishList Searches| My WishLists | Create new WishList (see Wishlist steps)
  2. Arrow down to Keyword and press Select
  3. Enter a team name (Lakers, Broncos, etc.) or the abbreviated name of the sport (MLB, NHL, etc.)
  4. Arrow right to highlight Done Entering Keywords and press Select
  5. Arrow down to Category and press Select
  6. Arrow down to highlight Sports, then arrow right to search for and highlight Playoff Sports
  7. Arrow up to highlight Use These Categories and press Select
  8. Arrow up to highlight Done Creating This WishList and press Select twice

TiVos on Experience 4

All 6 Tuners, 4k Minis and Minis 

  1. Go to TiVo Home| arrow left to Menu | Search | Create a Wishlist Search (see Wishlist steps)
  2. Enter a team name (Lakers, Broncos, etc.) or the abbreviated name of the sport (MLB, NHL, etc.)
  3. Arrow right to make your selection; press Select or OK
  4. Create OnePass or Record next game, then go to OnePass and Recording Options
  5. Arrow right to choose game or series, then arrow down to either Upcoming airings or All Upcoming games and choose Recording Options
    • Time & Channel: Choose channel
    • Keep Until: Space needed, until I delete
    • Start Recording: On time or minutes
    • Stop Recording: On time or hours
  6. Record Game with these options