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Astound Broadband

Favorite Channels on IPTV and TiVo


  • To see Favorite Channels on a TiVo Mini, first add them to the Four or Six Tuner TiVo in the home
  • There is no limit for number of Favorite Channels on a TiVo
  • Once you've added Favorite Channels, adjust TiVo Guide Options to show Favorites in your channel guide

IPTV Boxes

  1. Go to Home | arrow left to Menu | Settings | User Preferences | Favorite Channels
  2. Use the Up and Down arrows on the remote to highlight a channel
  3. Press OK to add or remove the channels as a favorite (see steps)
  • To view only favorite channels in the guide:
    1. Press Guide
    2. Scroll to the channel column
    3. Press and hold OK for options
    4. Scroll down to the area called Channels
    5. Arrow to change from All to Favorites

4 Tuners, 2 Tuners, Single Tuners, and Minis on TiVo Experience 3

  1. Go to TiVo Central | Settings & Messages | Settings | Channels | Channel List
  2. Use the Up and Down arrows on the remote to highlight a channel
  3. Press OK to add or remove the channels as a favorite (see steps)
    • To view only favorite channels in the guide:
      1. Press Guide
      2. Press A for options
      3. Scroll down to the area called Channels
      4. Arrow to change from My Channels to Favorites  (see steps)

4K 6 Tuners, 6 Tuners , 4K Minis, and Minis on TiVo Experience 4

  1. Go to TiVo Home | arrow left to Menu |Settings | Channel Settings | Favorite Channels
  2. Use the Up and Down arrows on the remote to highlight a channel to mark as a favorite
  3. Press OK to add or remove the channel as a favorite (see steps)
    • To view only favorite channels in the guide:
      1. Press Guide
      2. Press A for options
      3. Scroll down to the area called Channels
      4. Arrow to change from All to Favorites  (see steps)