Net Neutrality Overview
Astound agrees that consumers should have unfettered access to lawful content on the internet
- Astound also understands how important personal privacy is to our customers and we are committed to maintaining our excellent record of protecting customer privacy. We adhere to a voluntary set of Internet service provider Privacy Principles that cover transparency, consumer choice, data security and data breach notification and are consistent with the Federal Trade Commission's long-standing Privacy Policy framework. Our privacy policy can be found online at our website
- Astound doesn't block or throttle consumer access to lawful internet content
- Astound doesn't resell consumers data to third parties
- Astound doesn't engage in unlawful or anticompetitive discrimination against websites, streaming video services, and voice applications that may compete with traditional services we offer and we don't offer pay-for-priority services
- Astound invests in our network to give our customers the internet speed, capacity and services they want most
- Learn more about our company's stance on Net Neutrality on our website