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Astound Broadband

Message Filters in Webmail

Message Filters

All changes made in webmail are effective immediately
  • Message Filters are an independent feature and are available in both classic and modern interfaces

  • With a message filter, you can effectively blacklist an address, but you cannot whitelist

Whitelist / Blacklist Domain Instructions

  • Use the domain listed in the Return-path header (To see this in WebMail, right click on the message and click 'Show Original')

  • For example, suppose we want to whitelist or blacklist a newsletter from which happens to have the following headers:

    Return-path: "" <>
    Subject: Nine West + Hush Puppies + UGG and more!

  • The correct string to add is Just using or  will not achieve the desired result

  • Strings containing syntax like or * won't work either

  • The @ and * symbols do not act as wildcard characters, since technically they are used in valid email addresses

Set a Blacklist / Always Block Senders

Classic View Mailbox

  1. Login to Webmail 
  2. Click the settings gear icon and choose settings from the menu
  3. Scroll to Blocked and Allowed senders in left pane
  4. Add the email address to the Blocked Senders and Domains - or - Allowed Senders and Domain,  as applicable
  5. Select the action Block or Allow  .as applicable
  6. Select Save


Modern Mailbox View

  1. Select the Preferences Tab from the top
  2. Click on the Mail Icon from the Navigation list to the left
  3. Scroll down to Spam Mail Options 
  4. Add email addresses to Blacklist who send email you do not wish to receive
  5. If adding domains add only the domain name and not the @ sign

Set a Whitelist / Always Allow Senders

Classic View Mailbox

  1. Login to Webmail
  2. Select the Preferences Tab from the top
  3. Click on the Mail Icon from the Navigation list to the left
  4. Scroll down to Spam Mail Options
  5. Add whole email addresses or domain names only to the whitelist who send email you always wish to receive
  6. If adding domains add only the domain name and not the @ sign


Modern View Mailbox

  1. Click the settings gear icon and choose settings from the menu
  2. Scroll to Blocked and Allowed senders in left pane
  3. Add the email address to the Blocked Senders and Domains - or - Allowed Senders and Domain,  as applicable
  4. Select the action Block or Allow  .as applicable
  5. Select Save