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Astound Broadband

Favorite Channels on Non-TiVo Boxes


Setting Up Favorites on i-Guide Boxes

  1. Press the Menu button 2x
  2. Select Setup (usually on the second page of options)
  3. Select Favorite Lists Setup
  4. Select Set up Favorites List
    • Note: If a Favorites List is already setup, click New to add another List, or choose the current list to add channels
  5. Scroll to the channel you want to favorite, and press OK/SEL or FAV on your remote. A ? will appear next to the listing designating it as a Favorite
  6. Press Exit when finished.

Accessing Favorite Channels on i-Guide Boxes

Through Ouick Menu

    1. Press Menu 1x
    2. Once the Quick Menu populates, scroll to and select the ? icon
    3. Highlight and select the list you want
    4. Scroll to and select the channel you want


Through TV Guide Main Menu

    1. With the Motorola remote, press the Menu button 2x
    2. Once at the TV Guide Main Menu, select My Favorite Channels
    3. Highlight the list, and press OK/SEL
    4. Select the channel/program to watch
    5. Once list is accessed, press FAV button to cycle from one channel to the next within the list

Using the FAV Button on i-Guide Boxes

  • Press the FAV button to cycle from one favorite channel to the next

    Note: If there is more than one Favorites List created, channels within the last list accessed through the above steps will populate


How to Lock and Unlock Favorites List on i-Guide Boxes

  1. Press the Menu button 2x
  2. Select Setup (usually on the second page of options)
  3. Select Favorite Lists Setup
  4. Select List
  5. Arrow to the Lock, and press OK/SEL
  6. Setup or enter in 4-digit Locks PIN
  7. Arrow to the lock to lock/unlock, and then choose Confirm

How to Delete Favorites List on i-Guide Boxes

  1. Press the Menu button 2x
  2. Select Setup (usually on the second page of options)
  3. Select Favorite Lists Setup
  4. Select List
  5. Arrow to the X, press OK/SEL
  6. Select Delete
  7. Press Exit when finished

How to Rename Favorites List on i-Guide Boxes

  1. Press the Menu button 2x
  2. Select Setup (usually on the second page of options)
  3. Select Favorite Lists Setup
  4. Select Set up Favorites List
  5. Select the Favorites List you want to rename
  6. Select the keyboard Icon Between the ? and the X
  7. Use your remote to select the letters/numbers you want to call the list
  8. When done, select Save
  9. Press Exit when finished.

Manage Favorite channels on Passport Boxes

  1. Press Menu twice to reach the General Settings page
  2. Go to My Preferences | Favorite Channels 
    • All Favorite channels are displayed; if none are added you will see No Entries
  3. Press the right arrow button to move to the Channels column
  4. To add Favorite channels:
    • Press the up or down arrow buttons (or numeric keypad)  to select the channel you want to skip
    • Press the OK/Select on your remote. The channel number is added to Favorite Channels
    • Favorite channels will populate to the right
  5. To remove Favorite channels:
    • Press the up or down arrow buttons (or numeric keypad)  to select the channel you want to remove from the skipped list
    • Press the OK/Select on your remote. The channel number is removed from Favorite Channels
    • You can clear all of your favorite channels by selecting Clear All in the channel column above the channel line-up

To Access Favorite Channels Any time in Live TV press the FAV button on the remote. This will cycle through all of your favorite channels  


Make Your Guide Only Display Favorite Channels on Passport Boxes

  1. Press Guide on remote
  2. Press A on remote
  3. Select List Channels
  4. Select Favorites

Auto Favorites on Passport Boxes

Auto Favorites is a function that remembers the channels you watch most and automatically adds them to the Favorites list

Auto Favorites may be turned on by default or you can turn this feature on or off as you desire

  1. Press Menu twice to reach the General Settings page
  2. Highlight My Preferences and press OK/SEL to expand the category
  3. Highlight the Favorite Channels preference
    • The right side of the screen displays Auto Favorites: OFF or Auto Favorites: ON
    • Press A to enable or disable Auto Favorites


  1. Press Menu on your HD DTA remote
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Favorite Channels from the middle column
  4. Highlight and select channels to add to the Favorite Channels List
  5. A check mark will appear next to the channel
  6. After adding Favorites, you will be able to see your favorite channels in the Main Menu screen
  7. You can also see your Favorite channels in the Guide by pressing Guide, and pressing C to toggle to Favorite channels only

To remove favorite channels, repeat steps 1-4 and select channel you want to remove. The check mark will be removed from the channel