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Astound Broadband

TiVo Stream Setup: TiVo App or MyAstound App

TiVo Stream

The TiVo Stream works seamlessly with your TiVo App to bring you a world of cool features that you don't get with the App alone. For example:

  • Stream recordings anywhere around your home (including premium content such as HBO, Showtime etc.)
  • Download content to take your shows anywhere
  • Stream shows while they are being recorded. It's just like watching live TV!
  • Control playback of streaming or downloaded shows: pause, 30-second skip, 8-second instant replay, etc.

If You Have a 6 Tuner TiVo

A stream is built in to your device already; no hook up is needed. You can skip right to Open your App area below


If your Stream is a Separate Piece of Equipment

  1. Connect your mobile device (Apple/Android only) to the wireless network that is part of this configuration.
    • Setting up your Stream and mobile device requirements can be found here
  2. Make sure your  MoCA network is working and the TiVo Stream has been hooked up properly to your wireless router using an Ethernet cable (view diagrams here)
  3. Make sure the status light on the Stream is solid white, not blinking. This means the Stream has found the TiVo on your network.

Open your App

  1. In the Set up streaming device? dialog box, choose Start Setup
  2. On the Streaming Setup screen, check Set up in-home streaming and ensure the User Agreement checkbox is checked
    • Do not check Set up out-of-home streaming (not supported).
  3. The Stream should automatically be detected*, and start running through a series of checks. Choose Done when complete.

Streaming Recorded Programming from your host DVR

This is done wirelessly - you need to have a decent signal to stream smoothly. 
  1. From the My Shows section of the App, you can see everything recorded on your host DVR. Pick a show and tap Watch Now. This gives you the option of where you'd like to view it:
    • Watch on TV (plays the program on your TV)
    • Watch on (your mobile device name)
  2. After a little bit of buffering, the video will start playing
  3. Use your 8 second replay and 30 second skip features as well as pause rewind and fast forward! You can even delete the program from your 'My Shows' list when you are done!

Watching "Live" Programming

  1. Go to your show listings by tapping the Guide icon at the bottom
  2. Pick a show and tap Watch Now. This gives you the option of where you'd like to view it:
    • Watch on TV (plays the program on your TV)
    • Watch on (your mobile device name)
  3. The stream sends a command to your host DVR to tune to that channel, start recording the show, and start playing all in one move! Once that's done, the show is on the My Shows list and all works exactly the same as above with recorded programs!

Downloading Shows 'On the go'

  1. Select a show from the My Shows section of the App.
  2. Tap Download
  3. Depending on storage space or download time, you can choose various quality levels
  4. Once a download starts you can view its progress under the My Shows tab, which is now split into two sections, On DVR and On (your device)
    • This is where you'll now find the downloaded programs to your device.
  5. If  downloading multiple shows, you can pause whatever download you want to prioritize the list.
  6. Once the show starts downloading, your can even start playing it! 
  7. You can always remove the show from your device by tapping Delete

Do not leave your wireless network until the download is complete, or you will not get that show!


Using your App away from home

  • You can always view watch downloaded programming that is stored in your device, whether you are connected or not!
  • If you have already registered on and you have a good internet connection you can use your mobile device to manage existing recordings and schedule new ones to your Grande TiVo(s) at home
  • Tap Away Access and an Email window with pop up. Enter your user name and password, then tap Sign In