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Astound Broadband

Calix™ GigaHub® 812G ONT All-in-One


The 812G GigaHub is an integrated access and gateway solution that delivers advanced network management and software features to unleash the gigabit experience. The GigaHub premises service delivery platform terminates a GPON fiber optic link at the subscriber's premises and provides gigabit Ethernet interfaces and wireless connectivity for customer multi-media devices. The 813G GigaHub enables residential subscribers to receive gigabit broadband data, IP video, and SIP, H.248 or MGCP based VoIP on a single fiber. Using bridged or home gateway features and option for 802.11n 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi allows service providers to extend the access network inside the home and establish a strategic location for the delivery and control of broadband services. A USB port is available for .interconnecting with USB client devices and other Ethernet appliances. The GigaHub solution delivers HD video and data throughout a subscriber’s home with control and management of an increasingly video-rich and mobile broadband environment




GPON/XPON Details & Specifications


  • XGSPON Compatible




Device Access Details

  • No External Access is available



Light Status Information

Label Color Action Description
Power GREEN Solid

Solid if there is power being supplied to the ONT

Broadband GREEN Solid Solid when the ONT is connected correctly to the network
Service GREEN Solid/Flashing Flashes when data is being sent/received to/from the ASTOUND network. Solid when connected, but not sending/receiving info.
Ethernet GREEN Solid/Flashing Solid if there is a physical connection between the ONT and the customer's ETHERNET port (on computer or router). Flashes when data is being transferred over the USB Cable. (Not a recommended connection)
Phone GREEN Solid/Flashing Indicates Telephone Connectivity/Status



Device Documentation & Manual(s)
